Borderline Boardgames

#Inclusive Tool Guide

When in the recent past, more attention was given to exclusion (processes), this has moved towards a more constructive focus: inclusion. It is a keyword in the youth field, and supported by several European educational programmes. In our perception, youth work -including ours- is still far from being conscious focused on inclusion. In particular: on aiming to be inclusive. There are now many publications, manuals and booklets tackling both ‘(social) inclusion’ and ‘inclusivity’…

#Production_Value Cards

Lining out, test print, box folding, final printing, cutting, assembling … we’re in full production with the Value Card decks. 4 different colors, 3 different sizes, 8 different languages. All adjusted to the needs of the different international partners. An educational exercise on itself, and a strong complement to the educational board game on values ‘4 Headed Monkey’. Produced in our small cute village - Vila da Marmeleira.    


A new educational boardgame focusing on ‘values’ is getting very concrete. Not only additional ‘special playchips’ are now ready, but also the first sets of game avatars. For each partner in this project, there are tailored different sets. On the image here: avatars which the players personalize with different objects before the ‘play’ starts. Values are reflected in every act we do. “Call us Fonzies”. We were trees, then chair feet. Now upcycled for the educational…

Game production

“Let the Games start!”  We’re now in full production of the 16 big educational boardgames focusing on ‘values’. 7 countries involved, 8 different languages. “The 4 Headed Monkey” is soon ready! All play pieces hand-handled and individually tailored, in our little educational ‘Fablab’ in Vila da Marmeleira. And with touchable differences … inclusion/inclusive should be a permanent priority with/for everything.  


After extensive desk research and many online meetings, we defined a unique selection of 76 core values. Values relevant for the youth field and for which we as educators- wish to use in our educational programmes. Now we are happy to announce that the Value Cards are ready and available online! You can find the complete set of 76 Value Cards in different colors and sizes, a Card Instruction Leaflet, the Value Glossary, Value Cards Activity Bank. Please feel free to make use of all these…

Our #Value_Profiles

Our partnership is working on #values. 8 international partners also defined what each of us stands for. Here are our value-profiles!       

A video trailer from the testings all around the Europe!

A video trailer to show how we are proceeding with the testing phase of #ValuesCards #Values and #ValueBoardGame. A show-reel of all partners involved, raising up curiosity!! Watch it here: BBGames Legacy - Prototyping and first tests!!!

Moments from the Game testings

#BBGAMESLEGACY is now in the middle of the testing phase for the new board game on #VALUES and the new set of #ValueCards! Here some of the pictures... more will be posted soon! Testing testing improving testing and finalizing!

The First Testing of Educational Board Game about ‘Values’

Yesterday our project partners Produções Fixe Unipessoal Lda and Ha Moment had the first exciting testing of the new educational board game on 'Values'. Game-mechanics are now finetuned and good discussions on values were already a result. This Sunday afternoon, a new testing with a group of enthusiast young people, at Tasca da Dede! And then, time to initiate the beginning of the local production processes to get this boardgame ready in 8 different languages. #BBGamesLegacy

BBGames Legacy Kick-off meeting in Antwerp

We just finished our Kick-off meeting of the new edition of Borderline Boardgames which was held in Antwerp, Belgium on 2-5 of October. 8 partners from 7 different countries who live FOR and BY the VALUES they promote, come together to create something completely NEW about EDUCATION of VALUES. We are giving our best and we believe the outputs of this project will benefit millions of educators and young people in need of some new approaches on the topic.
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